Jerry Junkin

Migration HDCD album art cover


Asphalt Cocktail: The Music of John Mackey Cover Artwork

Asphalt Cocktail: The Music of John Mackey

John Williams at the Movies

John Williams At The Movies

Wine Dark Sea

Wine Dark Sea

Playing With Fire | Dallas Wind Symphony

Playing With Fire

Horns for the Holidays | Dallas Wind Symphony

Horns for the Holidays

Lincolnshire Posy | Dallas Wind Symphony

Lincolnshire Posy

Dallas Wind Symphony Sampler | Dallas Wind Symphony

Dallas Wind Symphony Sampler

Crown Imperial / Dallas Winds | Dallas Wind Symphony

Crown Imperial

Garden of Dreams | Dallas Wind Symphony

Garden of Dreams

Jerry Junkin: Bells for Stokowski | U.of Texas Wind Ensemble

Bells for Stokowski

Strictly Sousa | Dallas Wind Symphony

Strictly Sousa

Holidays & Epiphanies | Dallas Wind Symphony

Holidays & Epiphanies

Arnold for Band | Dallas Wind Symphony

Arnold for Band