Guitar Foundation of America’s SoundBoard Magazine with high praise for Roberto Moronn’s André Segovia Archive recordings:
“Playing with an assured technique, Perez is very enjoyable – at times, I thought I might be hearing the maestro himself. He has really done his homework: phrasing, contrast, spaciousness, occasional understatement and the sense of hearing a story are all reminiscent of Segovia’s style. This is not to say that this artist has given up his own voice in this process; indeed he has a remarkable ability to interpret this music with certainty and awareness. The recording quality is pristine, and the liner notes by Angelo Gilardino (the General Editor of the Andrés Segovia Archive) are well-written and thorough, quite appropriate for the purpose of this recording. …in revealing these heretofore unknown results of Segovia’s invitations to composers from his homeland, this recording awakens a new appreciation of the man and his life’s work: these are almost all quality compositions and fill a void in the repertoire I never realized was there.” —Jim McCutcheon, SoundBoard