The December issue of the Atlanta Audio Club features a new review for Sergei Kvitko’s Schubert by Candlelight release from Phil Muse:
“It presents the essence of the piano genre of Franz Schubert, whose music, underneath its deceptive charm, skilfully concealed a restless spirit that was contiually pushing the envelope in the interest of ever-greater lyrical beauty, expressiveness and harmonic daring. Schubert did this so well, it might have escaped us in a less-insightful account than that which Kvitko presents us. … There’s a lot more to be said for the rest of this program that conceals principles of through-composition and unconventional key-resolution under a surface that may seem deceptively simple at first hearing. These “musical moments” set the stage for the 4 Impromptus, Op. 90, and the 2 Scherzi, D.593, with a charing little Minuet in C-sharp minor for a chaser.”
—Phil Muse, Atlanta Audio Club