Audiophilia Magazine has released their 2017 Recordings of the Year and Doug MacLeod’s Break The Chain makes the cut:
“Break the Chain does not do musically what the title implies. We have brilliant consistency. Here, you’ll find eleven songs and a ‘holler’ (story). Audiophiles will especially like the spoken voice track as they are so difficult to get right on recordings. … As the Reference team was together in Marin County’s Skywalker Studios, including recording engineer marvel Prof. Keith O. Johnson and diva dynamo producer, Jan Mancuso, the sound on all twelve tracks is exceptional — lifelike, dynamic yet translucent enough to get the musicians’ most subtle ‘slippin and slidin’’. As a recording, it’s typical of the Johnson signature — lifelike dynamics and amazing instrumental and vocal timbres. As I’m akin to saying on reviews from this team, another winner. … Very highly recommended.”