Things are really starting to get rolling here at Reference Recordings! This is our 200th Blog Post, we have successfully launched our new division FRESH! From Reference Recordings, and have TWO great albums on that line, and we have recently released another fantastic Reference Recordings Jazz album! So to celebrate all of these exciting things we’re going to have a Reference Recordings Trivia Contest!!!!! The first five people to post their answers here, on Twitter,…
If you don’t have any plans this weekend, and you can make it out to the Rocky Mountain Audiofest, it’s a must attend event! Here’s the RR schedule: RR CDs, SACDs, & HRx’s will be demoed all around the event and will be for sale at the May Audio booth in the Evergreen Salon. “Prof” Keith O. Johnson’s lecture on “‘Computer sound’ and the crafting of high resolution recordings” will take place in the Aspen…
New Release – The Human HolidayFRESH! From Reference Recordings! The Human HolidayPerformed by Sleight of Mind The revelations in this comedy may change your life! Featured Artists: Written and Performed by: Christopher HastingsDirected by: John WilsonOriginal Music Composed and Performed by: Dave BrownThe Human Holiday song arranged and sung by: Annie StockingBackup vocals by: Polly HornRecorded and Engineered by: Ted Hlavac (pronounced LAVIK)Sonic Effects and Processing by: Keith O. JohnsonProduced by: J.Tamblyn Henderson and Marcia…
We are pleased to announce our second release on FRESH! from RR, a division of our 34-year old independent classical and jazz record label, Reference Recordings! The Human HolidayPerformed by Sleight of MindFR-702To be released October 12, 2010 The revelations in this comedy may change your life! This amazingly quirky radio play in the British style was a smash success on public radio in the 1980s. Mind-bending sonic effects and processing by RR’s own Prof.…
Bruckner: Symphony No. 7; Bates: Resurrexit
Mark Donahue & John Newton, engineers; Mark Donahue, mastering engineer (Manfred Honeck & Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra)