Blu-Ray Definition gives the Kansas City Symphony’s Miraculous Metamorphoses HRx its “Highest recommendation.”
“The demands placed on the players are substantial and the KC forces handle the dynamics and colors of each piece extremely well. Of course, much of the credit must go to Maestro Stern who has a clear affinity for this repertoire. Whether it is the rousing conclusion of the Hindemith Metamorphoses, the infernal scene of the Prokofiev suite or the buzzing string introduction of Bartok’s ballet, each work gets its due and then some. Having heard each of these pieces more times than I can recall, I do not recall an instance when, taken as complete program, I have heard them better performed! Prof. Keith Johnson’s recording team did simply what they always do: turn out realistic, spacious, and dynamically spectacular recordings. Details, particularly those of the delicate woodwinds waft over the rest of the orchestra, while the tympani (plentiful in all of these selections) are appropriately earth-shaking. What consistently emerges from this recording is a complete sound picture of the orchestra as would be obtained from a highly desirable mid-orchestra row seat. … This HRx high-resolution disc is an outright winner in every possible sense of the word. Great repertoire, matchless performances, and a superb recording combine for as good a rendition of a modern orchestra that we are likely to get. Highest recommendation.” —Lawrence Devoe, Blu-Ray Definition