Audiophile site, Dagogo, reviews the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra and Manfred Honeck’s recording of Beethoven Symphony No. 9:
“The Presto and “Ode to Joy” is among the most purveying and thrilling I’ve heard. Once again, there are goosebumps inducing, spectacular definition and contrasting dynamics, atop a precision in the performance to die for. The Adagio Third Movement opens with such majesty as to usurp the first movement Allegro, although this is also swifter in duration and thus paler in effectiveness compared to other notable recordings. … The case for such seminal and epical work as the Beethoven Ninth is how to present the music as continuously fresh sounding throughout the hour long performance. Music Director Honeck begins by keeping the players in top form, ready to unleash seemingly superhuman tenacity in precision unity and tonal clarity. … a reference caliber chronicle of the music-making session of minimalistic editing and processing. … After the initial listening… I remained seated and pressed PLAY again. Another hour slipped past. All in all, it is yet another triumph for the collaboration that is the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, Music Director Manfred Honeck and SoundMirror.”
—Constantine Soo, Dagogo