The ArtsFuse‘s Ralph Locke reviews The Florentine Opera’s recording of Carlisle Floyd’s Prince of Players: An Opera in Two Acts:
“Ninety-six minutes is short for a two-act opera on a serious subject, but it feels just right in Carlisle Floyd’s thirteenth and latest opera, Prince of Players. The plot zips along, clearly delineated in the sung text and stage directions. … Even better, the composer and the generally fine singing cast sharply differentiate the characters in vocal manner. And the basic story is a fascinating one, full of present-day relevance. In short, this opera works. I welcome it and wish it a long life. … Baritone Keith Phares sings beautifully and makes his words clear at all times. His dignity helps us care about his fate. Bass-baritone Alexander Dobson is rock-solid as Thomas Betterton. Tenors Chad Shelton, Frank Kelley, and Vale Rideout all nail their characters… Soprano Kate Royal is generally superb as “Peg” Hughes… Phrases and climaxes are shaped with a steady, responsive hand by conductor Williams Boggs. … I commend Carlisle Floyd’s latest opera to the attention of all lovers of the genre, and for that matter of Shakespeare. We have here an admirable attempt, on the part of a modern composer, to do justice to the dramatic vision of Shakespeare … This is surely one of the best new operas to have been launched in recent years. Happily, it is available in full”
—Ralph P. Locke, The Arts Fuse