We wanted to let our readers know that we have provided some complimentary HRx downloads to Computer Audiophile, and they are available on their website! You will have to go to the Computer Audiophile website to download them. The downloads are the Gottschalk: Suis Moi! –Caprice from Joel Fan’s newest release West of the Sun, and Tchaikovsky’s Mazeppa: Hopak from the Minnesota Orchestra album Exotic Dances from the Opera. Here is the information from the Computer Audiophile website:
Complimentary 24/176.4 HRx Downloads Courtesy of Reference Recordings
Sun, 08/16/2009 – 14:22 — The Computer Au…
I’ve long been touting the terrific quality of Reference Recordings’ HRx releases. The HRx 24/176.4 albums provide some of my go-to material when evaluating audio components and insuring audio software is capable of true high resolution playback and is configured correctly. Computer Audiophile readers who’ve had the opportunity to listen to HRx albums have unanimously agreed that it’s some of the best sounding material available today. One thing that should not be overlooked is the meaning of HRx. HRx is a trade name owned by Reference Recordings. HRx means so much more than simply a high resolution sample rate. HRx material is an exact copy of the digital master files directly from Reference Recordings. There is no upsampling from a lower sample rate. Think of HRx as a complete production process that in the end provides consumers exact copies of the master files. Reference Recordings is refreshingly transparent when talking about its production process and how the HRx files are created. This, when listening to an HRx track listeners are guaranteed they are hearing the real deal, true high resolution. Thanks to Reference Recordings Computer Audiophile is now offering two complimentary HRx downloads. Read more for the download links.
A very big thank you to Reference Recordings for providing these complimentary downloads. Readers who would like to purchase the complete album can follow this link to Reference Recordings
Joel Fan
West of the Sun
Exotic Dances from the Opera
Minnesota Orchestra
Eiji Oue, conductor
All music in this article Copyright 1996, 2009 Reference Recordings. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized broadcasting, public performance, copying, re-distribution, or re-recording will constitute an infringement of copyright. Permission granted to original person downloading file for personal use only. Commercial use is prohibited.