The Morton Report Columnist Bill Bentley has a new review for 2019 Blues Music Award nominee Fiona Boyes’ Voodoo In The Shadows recording in his December 2018 “Bentley’s Bandstand” column:
“Australian musician Fiona Boyes has dedicated her life to the music, and that intensity can be heard in everything she sings and plays. Her guitar work puts her in the top class for modern blues people, especially the way the sound seems to sing coming out of her instrument. Boyes never gets hung up trying to be anything other than what she is: someone who uses the music to try and make the world a little bit better place to be. … This new collection of songs is like a wild ride through Mississippi, New Orleans, Texas, up to Chicago and then all the way over to California. There is never any question that what is being heard is the real thing, whether it’s from downtown or down under doesn’t matter. It’s the connection of feelings between people that completes the blues circuit, and makes the results so powerful. It’s all here.”
Bill Bentley, The Morton Report
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