The final album for our “Music for Independence Day” Series once again features the wonderful Dallas Wind Symphony, this time conducted by Jerry Junkin on the album, “Strictly Sousa!” STRICTLY SOUSA Dallas Wind SymphonyJerry Junkin No marches are quite as inspired as those by America’s beloved March Master. Jerry Junkin leads the renowned Dallas Wind Symphony through the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights of every windband! Recorded by “Prof.” Johnson…
It’s Monday, February 15th, and we are celebrating President’s Day here at Reference Recordings! How does one celebrate President’s Day? Marches and parades, of course! So, to help you celebrate, we’re presenting the perfect album for the occasion – Marches I’ve Missed conducted by Frederick Fennell! MARCHES I’VE MISSEDFrederick Fennell / Dallas Wind SymphonyRR-85 HDCD “Fennell catches cool dance rhythms, delicate neatness, and British propriety very nicely. The Dallas Wind Symphony and the engineering are…