Audiophile Audition‘s Steven Ritter gives ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ to Manfred Honeck and the Pittsburgh Symphony’s Beethoven: Symphony No. 3; Strauss: Horn Concerto No. 1 recording:
“Soundmirror’s five omnidirectional DPA 4006 microphones have once again been perfectly placed in Pittsburgh’s Heinz Hall, with an orchestra that seems on the top of its game and a conductor who is proving one of the most thoughtful, energetic, and unique talents currently on the American scene. … Honeck, while not at all convinced that the “heroic” appellation belongs to Napoleon Bonaparte, as is usually assumed, nevertheless takes the suggestion very seriously as to Beethoven’s aspirations of infused “Eroica” sentiments for the symphony in general. And this performance sounds like it. Enormous detail is taken to illumine various strata of winds, accents, dynamics, and normally subordinated lines that are brought to life, changing how this piece is usually heard. … Strauss’s Horn Concerto, a staple of the industry, is also treated to the same sort of magnifying glass, with brilliant Pittsburgh principal William Caballero completely in accord with Honeck’s conception. … Caballero assays the piece with flair, clarity, and outstanding technique. A worthy release, urgently recommended.”
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