Gary Lemco gives a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ review to Michael Stern and the Kansas City Symphony’s One Movement Symphonies recording on Audiophile Audition:
“The Kansas City Symphony brass prove especially resonant in their dark coloration… The Kansas City Symphony lushly blends the powerful [Barber] Finale, sustaining the Romantic ethos of the material, weaving all three tunes together and concluding with a jubilant, energetic thrust of youthful confidence. … The sense of improvisational freedom fused with a volcanic and linear tension remains one of the many miracles in Sibelius, and Stern’s woodwinds, brass, timpani, and strings do this cunning score full justice. … Stern’s [Scriabin] realization … [is] beautifully projected by Recording Engineer Keith Johnson’s patented RR Sound process. This album easily qualifies as among the “Audiophile Keepers” that demand inclusion in anyone’s collection.”
—Gary Lemco, Audiophile Audition